
Control to modify features.  When activated, a click renders the vertices of a feature - these vertices can then be dragged.  By default, the delete key will delete the vertex under the mouse.  New features are added by dragging “virtual vertices” between vertices.  Create a new control with the OpenLayers.Control.ModifyFeature constructor.

Inherits From

OpenLayers.Control.ModifyFeatureControl to modify features.
geometryTypes{Array(String)} To restrict modification to a limited set of geometry types, send a list of strings corresponding to the geometry class names.
clickout{Boolean} Unselect features when clicking outside any feature.
toggle{Boolean} Unselect a selected feature on click.
standalone{Boolean} Set to true to create a control without SelectFeature capabilities.
feature{OpenLayers.Feature.Vector} Feature currently available for modification.
vertices{Array(OpenLayers.Feature.Vector)} Verticies currently available for dragging.
virtualVertices{Array(OpenLayers.Feature.Vector)} Virtual vertices in the middle of each edge.
deleteCodes{Array(Integer)} Keycodes for deleting verticies.
virtualStyle{Object} A symbolizer to be used for virtual vertices.
vertexRenderIntent{String} The renderIntent to use for vertices.
mode{Integer} Bitfields specifying the modification mode.
createVertices{Boolean} Create new vertices by dragging the virtual vertices in the middle of each edge.
modified{Boolean} The currently selected feature has been modified.
radiusHandle{OpenLayers.Feature.Vector} A handle for rotating/resizing a feature.
dragHandle{OpenLayers.Feature.Vector} A handle for dragging a feature.
onModificationStart{Function} Deprecated.
onModification{Function} Deprecated.
onModificationEnd{Function} Deprecated.
OpenLayers.Control.ModifyFeatureCreate a new modify feature control.
destroyTake care of things that are not handled in superclass.
activateActivate the control.
deactivateDeactivate the control.
beforeSelectFeatureCalled before a feature is selected.
selectFeatureSelect a feature for modification in standalone mode.
unselectFeatureCalled when the select feature control unselects a feature.
dragStartCalled by the drag feature control with before a feature is dragged.
dragVertexCalled by the drag feature control with each drag move of a vertex.
dragCompleteCalled by the drag feature control when the feature dragging is complete.
setFeatureStateCalled when the feature is modified.
handleKeypressCalled by the feature handler on keypress.
collectVerticesCollect the vertices from the modifiable feature’s geometry and push them on to the control’s vertices array.
collectDragHandleCollect the drag handle for the selected geometry.
collectRadiusHandleCollect the radius handle for the selected geometry.
setMapSet the map property for the control and all handlers.
RESHAPE{Integer} Constant used to make the control work in reshape mode
RESIZE{Integer} Constant used to make the control work in resize mode
ROTATE{Integer} Constant used to make the control work in rotate mode
DRAG{Integer} Constant used to make the control work in drag mode



{Array(String)} To restrict modification to a limited set of geometry types, send a list of strings corresponding to the geometry class names.


{Boolean} Unselect features when clicking outside any feature.  Default is true.


{Boolean} Unselect a selected feature on click.  Default is true.


{Boolean} Set to true to create a control without SelectFeature capabilities.  Default is false.  If standalone is true, to modify a feature, call the selectFeature method with the target feature.  Note that you must call the unselectFeature method to finish feature modification in standalone mode (before starting to modify another feature).


{OpenLayers.Feature.Vector} Feature currently available for modification.


{Array(OpenLayers.Feature.Vector)} Verticies currently available for dragging.


{Array(OpenLayers.Feature.Vector)} Virtual vertices in the middle of each edge.




{Array(Integer)} Keycodes for deleting verticies.  Set to null to disable vertex deltion by keypress.  If non-null, keypresses with codes in this array will delete vertices under the mouse.  Default is 46 and 68, the ‘delete’ and lowercase ‘d’ keys.


{Object} A symbolizer to be used for virtual vertices.


{String} The renderIntent to use for vertices.  If no virtualStyle is provided, this renderIntent will also be used for virtual vertices, with a fillOpacity and strokeOpacity of 0.3.  Default is null, which means that the layer’s default style will be used for vertices.


{Integer} Bitfields specifying the modification mode.  Defaults to OpenLayers.Control.ModifyFeature.RESHAPE.  To set the mode to a combination of options, use the | operator.  For example, to allow the control to both resize and rotate features, use the following syntax

control.mode = OpenLayers.Control.ModifyFeature.RESIZE |


{Boolean} Create new vertices by dragging the virtual vertices in the middle of each edge.  Default is true.


{Boolean} The currently selected feature has been modified.


{OpenLayers.Feature.Vector} A handle for rotating/resizing a feature.


{OpenLayers.Feature.Vector} A handle for dragging a feature.


{Function} Deprecated.  Register for “beforefeaturemodified” instead.  The “beforefeaturemodified” event is triggered on the layer before any modification begins.

Optional function to be called when a feature is selected to be modified.  The function should expect to be called with a feature.  This could be used for example to allow to lock the feature on server-side.


{Function} Deprecated.  Register for “featuremodified” instead.  The “featuremodified” event is triggered on the layer with each feature modification.

Optional function to be called when a feature has been modified.  The function should expect to be called with a feature.


{Function} Deprecated.  Register for “afterfeaturemodified” instead.  The “afterfeaturemodified” event is triggered on the layer after a feature has been modified.

Optional function to be called when a feature is finished being modified.  The function should expect to be called with a feature.



Create a new modify feature control.


layer{OpenLayers.Layer.Vector} Layer that contains features that will be modified.
options{Object} Optional object whose properties will be set on the control.



destroy: function()

Take care of things that are not handled in superclass.


activate: function()

Activate the control.


{Boolean} Successfully activated the control.


deactivate: function()

Deactivate the control.


{Boolean} Successfully deactivated the control.


beforeSelectFeature: function(feature)

Called before a feature is selected.


feature{OpenLayers.Feature.Vector} The feature about to be selected.


selectFeature: function(feature)

Select a feature for modification in standalone mode.  In non-standalone mode, this method is called when the select feature control selects a feature.  Register a listener to the beforefeaturemodified event and return false to prevent feature modification.


feature{OpenLayers.Feature.Vector} the selected feature.


unselectFeature: function(feature)

Called when the select feature control unselects a feature.


feature{OpenLayers.Feature.Vector} The unselected feature.


dragStart: function(feature,

Called by the drag feature control with before a feature is dragged.  This method is used to differentiate between points and vertices of higher order geometries.  This respects the geometryTypes property and forces a select of points when the drag control is already active (and stops events from propagating to the select control).


feature{OpenLayers.Feature.Vector} The point or vertex about to be dragged.
pixel{OpenLayers.Pixel} Pixel location of the mouse event.


dragVertex: function(vertex,

Called by the drag feature control with each drag move of a vertex.


vertex{OpenLayers.Feature.Vector} The vertex being dragged.
pixel{OpenLayers.Pixel} Pixel location of the mouse event.


dragComplete: function(vertex)

Called by the drag feature control when the feature dragging is complete.


vertex{OpenLayers.Feature.Vector} The vertex being dragged.


setFeatureState: function()

Called when the feature is modified.  If the current state is not INSERT or DELETE, the state is set to UPDATE.


resetVertices: function()


handleKeypress: function(evt)

Called by the feature handler on keypress.  This is used to delete vertices.  If the <deleteCode> property is set, vertices will be deleted when a feature is selected for modification and the mouse is over a vertex.


evt{Event} Keypress event.


collectVertices: function()

Collect the vertices from the modifiable feature’s geometry and push them on to the control’s vertices array.


collectDragHandle: function()

Collect the drag handle for the selected geometry.


collectRadiusHandle: function()

Collect the radius handle for the selected geometry.


setMap: function(map)

Set the map property for the control and all handlers.


map{OpenLayers.Map} The control’s map.



{Integer} Constant used to make the control work in reshape mode


{Integer} Constant used to make the control work in resize mode


{Integer} Constant used to make the control work in rotate mode


{Integer} Constant used to make the control work in drag mode

Instances of OpenLayers.Layer.Vector are used to render vector data from a variety of sources.
Vector features use the OpenLayers.Geometry classes as geometry description.
The SelectFeature control selects vector features from a given layer on click or hover.
The DragFeature control moves a feature with a drag of the mouse.
destroy: function()
Take care of things that are not handled in superclass.
activate: function()
Activate the control.
deactivate: function()
Deactivate the control.
beforeSelectFeature: function(feature)
Called before a feature is selected.
selectFeature: function(feature)
Select a feature for modification in standalone mode.
unselectFeature: function(feature)
Called when the select feature control unselects a feature.
dragStart: function(feature,
Called by the drag feature control with before a feature is dragged.
dragVertex: function(vertex,
Called by the drag feature control with each drag move of a vertex.
dragComplete: function(vertex)
Called by the drag feature control when the feature dragging is complete.
setFeatureState: function()
Called when the feature is modified.
resetVertices: function()
handleKeypress: function(evt)
Called by the feature handler on keypress.
collectVertices: function()
Collect the vertices from the modifiable feature’s geometry and push them on to the control’s vertices array.
collectDragHandle: function()
Collect the drag handle for the selected geometry.
collectRadiusHandle: function()
Collect the radius handle for the selected geometry.
setMap: function(map)
Set the map property for the control and all handlers.
Create a new modify feature control.
Controls affect the display or behavior of the map.
{Object} A symbolizer to be used for virtual vertices.
{Array(String)} To restrict modification to a limited set of geometry types, send a list of strings corresponding to the geometry class names.
This class represents a screen coordinate, in x and y coordinates
Instances of OpenLayers.Map are interactive maps embedded in a web page.