OpenLayers. | |
Properties | |
contentDisplayClass | {String} The CSS class of the popup content div. |
autoSize | {Boolean} Framed Cloud is autosizing by default. |
panMapIfOutOfView | {Boolean} Framed Cloud does pan into view by default. |
imageSize | {OpenLayers.Size} |
isAlphaImage | {Boolean} The FramedCloud does not use an alpha image (in honor of the good ie6 folk out there) |
fixedRelativePosition | {Boolean} The Framed Cloud popup works in just one fixed position. |
positionBlocks | {Object} Hash of differen position blocks, keyed by relativePosition two-character code string (ie “tl”, “tr”, “bl”, “br”) |
minSize | {OpenLayers.Size} |
maxSize | {OpenLayers.Size} |
Constructor | |
OpenLayers. |
id | {String} |
lonlat | {OpenLayers.LonLat} |
contentSize | {OpenLayers.Size} |
contentHTML | {String} |
anchor | {Object} Object to which we’ll anchor the popup. Must expose a ‘size’ (OpenLayers.Size) and ‘offset’ (OpenLayers.Pixel) (Note that this is generally an OpenLayers.Icon). |
closeBox | {Boolean} |
closeBoxCallback | {Function} Function to be called on closeBox click. |