Superclass for WMC version 1 parsers.
getNamespacePrefix: function( uri )
Get the namespace prefix for a given uri from the namespaces object.
{String} A namespace prefix or null if none found.
Instances of this class are not created directly. Use the OpenLayers.Format.WMC constructor instead.
options | {Object} An optional object whose properties will be set on this instance. |
createElementDefaultNS: function( name, childValue, attributes )
Shorthand for createElementNS with namespace from defaultPrefix. Can optionally be used to set attributes and a text child value.
name | {String} The qualified node name. |
childValue | {String} Optional value for text child node. |
attributes | {Object} Optional object representing attributes. |
{Element} An element node.
write_wmc_URLType: function( elName, url, attr )
Create a LogoURL/DescriptionURL/MetadataURL/DataURL/LegendURL node given a object and elementName.
elName | {String} Name of element (LogoURL/DescriptionURL/MetadataURL/LegendURL) |
url | {String} URL string value |
attr | {Object} Optional attributes (width, height, format) |
{Element} A WMC element node.
Get the namespace prefix for a given uri from the namespaces object.
getNamespacePrefix: function( uri )
Read capabilities data from a string, and return a list of layers.
read: function( data )
runChildNodes: function( obj, node )
read_wmc_General: function( context, node )
read_wmc_BoundingBox: function( context, node )
read_wmc_LayerList: function( context, node )
read_wmc_Layer: function( context, node )
read_wmc_Extension: function( obj, node )
read_ol_units: function( layerContext, node )
read_ol_maxExtent: function( obj, node )
read_ol_transparent: function( layerContext, node )
read_ol_numZoomLevels: function( layerContext, node )
read_ol_opacity: function( layerContext, node )
read_ol_singleTile: function( layerContext, node )
read_ol_tileSize: function( layerContext, node )
read_ol_isBaseLayer: function( layerContext, node )
read_ol_displayInLayerSwitcher: function( layerContext, node )
read_wmc_Server: function( layerContext, node )
read_wmc_FormatList: function( layerContext, node )
read_wmc_Format: function( layerContext, node )
read_wmc_StyleList: function( layerContext, node )
read_wmc_Style: function( layerContext, node )
read_wmc_SLD: function( style, node )
read_sld_StyledLayerDescriptor: function( sld, node )
read_sld_FeatureTypeStyle: function( sld, node )
read_wmc_OnlineResource: function( obj, node )
read_wmc_Name: function( obj, node )
read_wmc_Title: function( obj, node )
read_wmc_MetadataURL: function( layerContext, node )
read_wmc_KeywordList: function( context, node )
read_wmc_Keyword: function( keywords, node )
read_wmc_Abstract: function( obj, node )
read_wmc_LogoURL: function( context, node )
read_wmc_DescriptionURL: function( context, node )
read_wmc_ContactInformation: function( obj, node )
read_wmc_ContactPersonPrimary: function( contact, node )
read_wmc_ContactPerson: function( primaryPerson, node )
read_wmc_ContactOrganization: function( primaryPerson, node )
read_wmc_ContactPosition: function( contact, node )
read_wmc_ContactAddress: function( contact, node )
read_wmc_AddressType: function( contactAddress, node )
read_wmc_Address: function( contactAddress, node )
read_wmc_City: function( contactAddress, node )
read_wmc_StateOrProvince: function( contactAddress, node )
read_wmc_PostCode: function( contactAddress, node )
read_wmc_Country: function( contactAddress, node )
read_wmc_ContactVoiceTelephone: function( contact, node )
read_wmc_ContactFacsimileTelephone: function( contact, node )
read_wmc_ContactElectronicMailAddress: function( contact, node )
read_wmc_DataURL: function( layerContext, node )
read_wmc_LegendURL: function( style, node )
read_wmc_DimensionList: function( layerContext, node )
read_wmc_Dimension: function( dimensions, node )
write: function( context, options )
Shorthand for createElementNS with namespace from defaultPrefix.
createElementDefaultNS: function( name, childValue, attributes )
Set multiple attributes given key value pairs from an object.
setAttributes: function( node, obj )
Create a General node given an context object.
write_wmc_General: function( context )
write_wmc_KeywordList: function( keywords )
write_wmc_ContactInformation: function( contact )
write_wmc_ContactPersonPrimary: function( personPrimary )
write_wmc_ContactAddress: function( contactAddress )
write_ol_MapExtension: function( context )
Create a LayerList node given an context object.
write_wmc_LayerList: function( context )
Create a Layer node given a layer context object.
write_wmc_Layer: function( context )
Add OpenLayers specific layer parameters to an Extension element.
write_wmc_LayerExtension: function( context )
Create a node representing an OpenLayers property.
createOLPropertyNode: function( obj, prop )
Create a Server node given a layer context object.
write_wmc_Server: function( context )
Create a LogoURL/DescriptionURL/MetadataURL/DataURL/LegendURL node given a object and elementName.
write_wmc_URLType: function( elName, url, attr )
write_wmc_DimensionList: function( context )
Create a FormatList node given a layer context.
write_wmc_FormatList: function( context )
Create a StyleList node given a layer context.
write_wmc_StyleList: function( layer )
Create an OnlineResource node given a URL.
write_wmc_OnlineResource: function( href )
getOnlineResource_href: function( node )