Read/write GeoRSS parser. Create a new instance with the OpenLayers.Format.GeoRSS constructor.
OpenLayers. | Read/write GeoRSS parser. |
Properties | |
rssns | {String} RSS namespace to use. |
featurens | {String} Feature Attributes namespace. |
georssns | {String} GeoRSS namespace to use. |
geons | {String} W3C Geo namespace to use. |
featureTitle | {String} Default title for features. |
featureDescription | {String} Default description for features. |
gmlParse | {Object} GML Format object for parsing features Non-API and only created if necessary |
xy | {Boolean} Order of the GML coordinate: true:(x,y) or false:(y,x) For GeoRSS the default is (y,x), therefore: false |
Constructor | |
OpenLayers. | Create a new parser for GeoRSS. |
Functions | |
createGeometryFromItem | Return a geometry from a GeoRSS Item. |
createFeatureFromItem | Return a feature from a GeoRSS Item. |
_getChildValue | |
read | Return a list of features from a GeoRSS doc |
write | Accept Feature Collection, and return a string. |
createFeatureXML | Accept an OpenLayers.Feature.Vector, and build a geometry for it. |
buildGeometryNode | builds a GeoRSS node with a given geometry |
buildCoordinatesNode |
{String} RSS namespace to use. Defaults to “”
{String} Feature Attributes namespace. Defaults to “”
{String} GeoRSS namespace to use. Defaults to “”
{String} W3C Geo namespace to use. Defaults to “”
createGeometryFromItem: function( item )
Return a geometry from a GeoRSS Item.
item | {DOMElement} A GeoRSS item node. |
{OpenLayers.Geometry} A geometry representing the node.
createFeatureFromItem: function( item )
Return a feature from a GeoRSS Item.
item | {DOMElement} A GeoRSS item node. |
{OpenLayers.Feature.Vector} A feature representing the item.
_getChildValue: function( node, nsuri, name, def )
node | {DOMElement} |
nsuri | {String} Child node namespace uri (“*” for any). |
name | {String} Child node name. |
def | {String} Optional string default to return if no child found. |
{String} The value of the first child with the given tag name. Returns default value or empty string if none found.
read: function( doc )
Return a list of features from a GeoRSS doc
doc | {Element} |
write: function( features )
Accept Feature Collection, and return a string.
features | {Array(OpenLayers.Feature.Vector)} List of features to serialize into a string. |
createFeatureXML: function( feature )
Accept an OpenLayers.Feature.Vector, and build a geometry for it.
feature | {OpenLayers.Feature.Vector} |
buildGeometryNode: function( geometry )
builds a GeoRSS node with a given geometry
geometry | {OpenLayers.Geometry} |
{DOMElement} A gml node.
Return a geometry from a GeoRSS Item.
createGeometryFromItem: function( item )
Return a feature from a GeoRSS Item.
createFeatureFromItem: function( item )
_getChildValue: function( node, nsuri, name, def )
Return a list of features from a GeoRSS doc
read: function( doc )
Accept Feature Collection, and return a string.
write: function( features )
Accept an OpenLayers.Feature.Vector, and build a geometry for it.
createFeatureXML: function( feature )
builds a GeoRSS node with a given geometry
buildGeometryNode: function( geometry )
buildCoordinatesNode: function( geometry )