Read/Wite ArcXML. Create a new instance with the OpenLayers.Format.ArcXML constructor.
OpenLayers. | Read/Wite ArcXML. |
Properties | |
fontStyleKeys | {Array} List of keys used in font styling. |
request | A get_image request destined for an ArcIMS server. |
response | A parsed response from an ArcIMS server. |
Constructor | |
OpenLayers. | Create a new parser/writer for ArcXML. |
Functions | |
parseEnvelope | Parse an array of coordinates into an ArcXML envelope structure. |
addLayers | Add a collection of layers to another collection of layers. |
addImageSize | Set the size of the requested image. |
addCoordSys | Add the coordinate system information to an object. |
iserror | Check to see if the response from the server was an error. |
read | Read data from a string, and return an response. |
write | Generate an ArcXml document string for sending to an ArcIMS server. |
parseResponse | Take an ArcXML response, and parse in into this object’s internal properties. |
parseAttributes | |
parsePointGeometry |
Create a new parser/writer for ArcXML. Create an instance of this class to begin authoring a request to an ArcIMS service. This is used primarily by the ArcIMS layer, but could be used to do other wild stuff, like geocoding.
options | {Object} An optional object whose properties will be set on this instance. |
addLayers: function( ll, lyrs )
Add a collection of layers to another collection of layers. Each layer in the list is tuple of { id, visible }. These layer collections represent the /ARCXML/REQUEST/get_image/PROPERTIES/LAYERLIST/LAYERDEF items in ArcXML
TODO: Add support for dynamic layer rendering.
ll | {Array({id,visible})} A list of layer definitions. |
lyrs | {Array({id,visible})} A list of layer definitions. |
addImageSize: function( imsize, olsize )
Set the size of the requested image.
imsize | {Object} An ArcXML imagesize object. |
olsize | {OpenLayers.Size} The image size to set. |
addCoordSys: function( featOrFilt, fsys )
Add the coordinate system information to an object. The object may be
featOrFilt | {Object} A featurecoordsys or filtercoordsys ArcXML structure. |
fsys | {String} or {OpenLayers.Projection} or {filtercoordsys} or {featurecoordsys} A projection representation. If it’s a {String}, the value is assumed to be the SRID. If it’s a {OpenLayers.Projection} AND Proj4js is available, the projection number and name are extracted from there. If it’s a filter or feature ArcXML structure, it is copied. |
parsePointGeometry: function( node )
node | {<DOMElement>} An element to parse <COORDS> or <POINT> arcxml data from. |
{OpenLayers.Geometry.LinearRing} A linear ring represented by the node’s points.
Parse an array of coordinates into an ArcXML envelope structure.
parseEnvelope: function( env, arr )
Add a collection of layers to another collection of layers.
addLayers: function( ll, lyrs )
Set the size of the requested image.
addImageSize: function( imsize, olsize )
Add the coordinate system information to an object.
addCoordSys: function( featOrFilt, fsys )
Check to see if the response from the server was an error.
iserror: function( data )
Read data from a string, and return an response.
read: function( data )
Generate an ArcXml document string for sending to an ArcIMS server.
write: function( request )
Take an ArcXML response, and parse in into this object’s internal properties.
parseResponse: function( data )
parseAttributes: function( node, type )
parsePointGeometry: function( node )