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 _addZoomBar, OpenLayers.Control.PanZoomBar
 _complete, OpenLayers.Ajax.Request
 _getChildValue, OpenLayers.Format.GeoRSS
 _removeButton, OpenLayers.Control.PanZoom
 _removeElementObservers, OpenLayers.Event
 _removeZoomBar, OpenLayers.Control.PanZoomBar
 abortLoading, OpenLayers.Tile.UTFGrid
 activateControl, OpenLayers.Control.Panel
 activeRequestCount, OpenLayers.Ajax
 activeState, OpenLayers.Control.Panel
 addClass, OpenLayers.Element
 addCloseBox, OpenLayers.Popup
 addComponents, OpenLayers.Geometry.Collection
 addControl, OpenLayers.Map
 addControlsToMap, OpenLayers.Control.Panel
 addControlToMap, OpenLayers.Map
 addCoordSys, OpenLayers.Format.ArcXML
 addDocumentEvents, OpenLayers.Handler.Drag
 addEventType, OpenLayers.Events
 addFeatures, OpenLayers.Layer.Vector
 addImageSize, OpenLayers.Format.ArcXML
 addMarker, OpenLayers.Layer.Markers
 addNodes, OpenLayers.Layer.PointTrack
 addOptions, OpenLayers.Layer
 addPopup, OpenLayers.Map
 addPropertyStyles, OpenLayers.Style
 addResults, OpenLayers.Tile.WFS
 addRules, OpenLayers.Style
 addTarget, OpenLayers.Control.Snapping
 addTargetLayer, OpenLayers.Control.Snapping
 addToCluster, OpenLayers.Strategy.Cluster
 addTransform, OpenLayers.Projection
 addUniqueValueRules, OpenLayers.StyleMap
 addVendorOptions, OpenLayers.Format.SLD/v1_0_0_GeoServer
 adjustBounds, OpenLayers.Layer
 adjustXY, OpenLayers.Handler.Drag
 adjustZoom, OpenLayers.Map
 afterFeatureModified, OpenLayers.Control.Split
 allOverlays, OpenLayers.Map
 allowDepress, OpenLayers.Control.Panel
 allowSelection, OpenLayers.Control
 alpha, OpenLayers.Layer
 alphaHack, Util
 alphaHackNeeded, Util
 alwaysInRange, OpenLayers.Layer
 alwaysZoom, OpenLayers.Control.ZoomBox
 Anchored, OpenLayers.Popup.Anchored.OpenLayers.Popup
 AnchoredBubble, OpenLayers.Popup.AnchoredBubble.OpenLayers.Popup
 angle, OpenLayers.Handler.RegularPolygon
 animationId, OpenLayers.Tween
 appendAttributesNode, OpenLayers.Format.GPX
 applyBackBuffer, OpenLayers.Layer.Grid
 applyDefaults, Util
 applyDefaultSymbolizer, OpenLayers.Renderer
 applySelection, OpenLayers.Control.SLDSelect
 applySymbolizer, OpenLayers.Style
 applyTransform, OpenLayers.Control.PinchZoom
 ArcGIS93Rest, OpenLayers.Layer.ArcGIS93Rest.OpenLayers.Layer
 ArcGISCache, OpenLayers.Layer
 ArcIMS, OpenLayers.Layer.ArcIMS.OpenLayers.Layer
 ArcXML, OpenLayers.Format.ArcXML.OpenLayers.Format
 areaTags, OpenLayers.Format.OSM
 ArgParser, OpenLayers.Control.ArgParser.OpenLayers.Control
 argParserClass, OpenLayers.Control.Permalink
 array, OpenLayers.Format.JSON.serialize
 ascending, OpenLayers.Control.LayerSwitcher
 aspectRatio, OpenLayers.Layer.Image
 assert, OpenLayers.Console
 assignRenderer, OpenLayers.Layer.Vector
 async, OpenLayers.Layer.ArcIMS
 asyncRequestId, OpenLayers.Tile.Image
 AtomEntry, OpenLayers.Format.Atom.OpenLayers.Format
 attachToElement, OpenLayers.Events
 attributes, OpenLayers.Feature.Vector
 Attribution, OpenLayers.Control.Attribution.OpenLayers.Control
 attributionTemplate, OpenLayers.Layer.Bing
 auto, OpenLayers.Strategy.Save
 autoConfig, OpenLayers.Format.GML.Base
 autoPan, OpenLayers.Control.OverviewMap
_getChildValue: function(node,
Return the path to this script.
Return the path to this script.
_removeButton: function(btn)
_removeElementObservers: function(elementObservers)
_removeZoomBar: function()
abort: function(response)
Abort an ongoing request.
abort: function(response)
Abort an ongoing request, the response object passed to this method must come from this HTTP protocol (as a result of a create, read, update, delete or commit operation).
abort: function(response)
Abort an ongoing request.
abort: function(response)
Abort an ongoing request, the response object passed to this method must come from this protocol (as a result of a read, or commit operation).
abortLoading: function()
Cancel a pending request.
activate: function ()
Explicitly activates a control and it’s associated handler if one has been set.
activate: function()
Activate the control and the feature handler.
activate: function ()
Activates the control.
activate: function ()
Activates the control.
activate: function()
activate: function()
Activate the control.
activate: function()
activate: function()
activate: function()
Activate the control.
activate: function()
activate: function()
Activate this control.
activate: function ()
Activates the control.
activate: function()
Activate the control.
activate: function()
Activate the control.
activate: function()
Activate the control.
activate: function()
activate: function()
Activates the control.
activate: function()
Turn on the handler.
activate: function ()
activate: function()
Activate the handler.
activate: function()
Turn on the handler.
activate: function()
activate: function (evt)
activate: function()
Activate the handler.
activate: function()
turn on the handler
activate: function()
Turn on the handler.
activate: function()
Activate the strategy.
activate: function()
Set up strategy with regard to reading new batches of remote data.
activate: function()
Activate the strategy.
activate: function()
Activate the strategy.
activate: function()
Activate the strategy: load data or add listener to load when visible
activate: function()
Activate the strategy.
activate: function()
Activate the strategy.
activate: function()
Activate the strategy.
activateControl: function (control)
This method is called when the user click on the icon representing a control in the panel.
{Boolean} The control is active (read-only).
{Boolean} The control is active.
{Object} stores the active state of this panel’s controls.
addClass: function(element,
Add a CSS class name to an element.
addCloseBox: function(callback)
addComponent: function(component,
Add a new component (geometry) to the collection.
addComponent: function(point,
Adds a point to geometry components.
addComponents: function(components)
Add components to this geometry.
addControl: function (control,
Add the passed over control to the map.
addControls: function(controls)
To build a toolbar, you add a set of controls to it.
addControls: function (controls,
Add all of the passed over controls to the map.
addControlsToMap: function (controls)
Only for internal use in draw() and addControls() methods.
addControlToMap: function (control,
addCoordSys: function(featOrFilt,
Add the coordinate system information to an object.
addDocumentEvents: function()
Start observing document events when documentDrag is true and the mouse cursor leaves the map viewport while dragging.
addEventType: function(eventName)
addFeatures: function(features,
Add Features to the layer.
addImageSize: function(imsize,
Set the size of the requested image.
addLayer: function(evt)
Adds a layer to the control.
addLayer: function(evt)
Adds a layer to the control.
addLayer: function (layer)
addLayers: function(ll,
Add a collection of layers to another collection of layers.
addLayers: function (layers)
addMarker: function(marker)
addNodes: function(pointFeatures,
Adds point features that will be used to create lines from, using point pairs.
addOptions: function (newOptions,
addPoint: function(point,
Wrapper for OpenLayers.Geometry.Collection.addComponent
addPoint: function(pixel)
Add point to geometry.
addPoint: function(pixel)
Add point to geometry.
addPopup: function(popup,
addPropertyStyles: function(propertyStyles,
addResults: function(results)
Construct new feature via layer featureClass constructor, and add to this.features.
addRules: function(rules)
Adds rules to this style.
addTarget: function(target)
Add a configured target layer.
addTargetLayer: function(layer)
Add a target layer with the default target config.
addTile: function(bounds,
Create a tile, initialize it, and add it to the layer div.
addTile: function(bounds,
addTile creates a tile, initializes it and adds it as iframe to the layer div.
addTileMonitoringHooks: function(tile)
This function takes a tile as input and adds the appropriate hooks to the tile so that the layer can keep track of the loading tiles.
addTileMonitoringHooks: function(tile)
This function takes a tile as input and adds the appropriate hooks to the tile so that the layer can keep track of the loading tiles.
addTileMonitoringHooks: function(tile)
This function takes a tile as input and adds the appropriate hooks to the tile so that the layer can keep track of the loading tile (making sure to check that the tile is always the layer’s current tile before taking any action).
addToCluster: function(cluster,
Add a feature to a cluster.
OpenLayers.Projection.addTransform = function(from,
Set a custom transform method between two projections.
addUniqueValueRules: function(renderIntent,
Convenience method to create comparison rules for unique values of a property.
addVendorOptions: function(node,
Add in the VendorOption tags and return the node again.
adjustBounds: function (bounds)
This function will take a bounds, and if wrapDateLine option is set on the layer, it will return a bounds which is wrapped around the world.
adjustXY: function(evt)
Converts event coordinates that are relative to the document body to ones that are relative to the map viewport.
adjustZoom: function(zoom)
afterAdd: function()
Called at the end of the map.addLayer sequence.
afterAdd: function()
Called at the end of the map.addLayer sequence.
afterFeatureModified: function(event)
Registered as a listener for the afterfeaturemodified event on the editable layer.
{Boolean} Allow the map to function with “overlays” only.
{Boolean} If is true the OpenLayers.Control.TYPE_TOOL controls can be deactivated by clicking the icon that represents them.
{Boolean} By default, controls do not allow selection, because it may interfere with map dragging.
{Boolean} The layer’s images have an alpha channel.
OpenLayers.Util.alphaHack = function()
Checks whether it’s necessary (and possible) to use the png alpha hack which allows alpha transparency for png images under Internet Explorer.
{Boolean} true if the png alpha hack is necessary and possible, false otherwise.
{Boolean} If a layer’s display should not be scale-based, this should be set to true.
{Boolean} Always zoom in/out, when box drawed
the character ‘#’ is used in place of the character ‘?’
{Object} Object to which we’ll anchor the popup.
{Float} The angle from the origin (mouse down) to the current mouse position, in radians.
{Boolean} If set to true, the transition between zoom levels will be animated (if supported by the GMaps API for the device used).
{Boolean} If set to true, the transition between zoom levels will be animated.
{int} Loop id returned by OpenLayers.Animation.start
appendAttributesNode: function(node,
Adds some attributes node.
applyBackBuffer: function(resolution)
Create, insert, scale and position a back buffer for the layer.
OpenLayers.Util.applyDefaults = function (to,
Takes an object and copies any properties that don’t exist from another properties, by analogy with OpenLayers.Util.extend() from Prototype.js.
applyDefaultSymbolizer: function(symbolizer)
applySelection: function()
Checks if all required wfs data is cached, and applies the selection
applySymbolizer: function(rule,
applyTransform: function(transform)
Applies the given transform to layers.
Create a new ArcGIS93Rest layer object.
Creates a new instance of this class
Create a new ArcIMS layer object.
Create a new parser/writer for ArcXML.
{Array} List of tags indicating that something is an area.
{Class} The ArgParser control class (not instance) to use with this control.
Transform an array into a JSON string.
{Float} The ratio of height/width represented by a single pixel in the graphic
assert: function()
Tests that an expression is true.
assignRenderer: function()
Iterates through the available renderer implementations and selects and assigns the first one whose “supported()” function returns true.
{Boolean} Request images asynchronously.
{Integer} ID of an request to see if request is still valid.
Create a new parser for Atom.
atPoint: function(lonlat,
Determins whether the feature intersects with the specified location.
atPoint: function(lonlat,
attachToElement: function (element)
{Object} This object holds arbitrary, serializable properties that describe the feature.
{String} Attribution string, displayed when an OpenLayers.Control.Attribution has been added to the map.
{String} The layer attribution.
{Boolean | Number} Auto-save.
{Boolean} Activate the control when it is added to a map.
{Boolean} Activate the control when it is added to a map.
{Boolean} Activate the control when it is added to a map.
{Boolean} Activate the control when it is added to a map.
{Boolean} Activate the control when it is added to a map.
{Boolean} Activate the control when it is added to a map.
{Boolean} Activate the control when it is added to a map.
{Boolean} Activate the control when it is added to a map.
{Boolean} Activate the control when it is added to a map.
{Boolean} Activate the control when it is added to a map.
{Boolean} Activate the control when it is added to a map.
{Boolean} The creator of the strategy can set autoActivate to false to fully control when the protocol is activated and deactivated.
{Boolean} Indicates if the format was configured without a featureNS, but auto-configured featureNS and featureType during read.
{Boolean} The creator of the protocol can set autoDestroy to false to fully control when the protocol is destroyed.
{Boolean} The creator of the strategy can set autoDestroy to false to fully control when the strategy is destroyed.
{Boolean} Always pan the overview map, so the extent marker remains in the center.
{Boolean} Resize the popup to auto-fit the contents.
{Boolean} Framed Cloud is autosizing by default.