Property Index
$#! · 0-9 · A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z
 label, OpenLayers.Symbolizer.Text
 labelFormat, OpenLayers.Control.Graticule
 labelled, OpenLayers.Control.Graticule
 labelSymbolizer, OpenLayers.Control.Graticule
 lastDown, OpenLayers.Handler.Point
 lastFeature, OpenLayers.Handler.Feature
 lastMoveEvt, OpenLayers.Handler.Drag
 lastPixel, OpenLayers.Control.DragFeature
 lastSeqID, Util
 lastTouchPx, OpenLayers.Handler.Point
 lastUp, OpenLayers.Handler.Point
 lastXy, OpenLayers.Control.MousePosition
 lat, OpenLayers.LonLat
 layerAlphaHack, OpenLayers.Tile.Image
 layerCache, OpenLayers.Control.SLDSelect
 layerContainerDiv, OpenLayers.Map
 layerContainerOrigin, OpenLayers.Map
 layerIdentifier, OpenLayers.Format.WMSGetFeatureInfo
 layername, OpenLayers.Layer.TMS
 layerParams, OpenLayers.Format.Context
 Layers, OpenLayers.Control.UTFGrid
 layersDiv, OpenLayers.Control.LayerSwitcher
 layerStates, OpenLayers.Control.LayerSwitcher
 layerUrls, OpenLayers.Control.WMSGetFeatureInfo
 left, OpenLayers.Bounds
 length, OpenLayers.Strategy.Paging
 level, OpenLayers.Format.JSON
 limit, OpenLayers.Control.NavigationHistory
 line, OpenLayers.Handler.Path
 lineSymbolizer, OpenLayers.Control.Graticule
 loaded, OpenLayers.Layer.GML
 loading, OpenLayers.Layer.Grid
 locked, OpenLayers.Renderer
 lon, OpenLayers.LonLat
 lowerBoundary, OpenLayers.Filter.Comparison
 lzd, OpenLayers.Layer.WorldWind
{String} The text for the label.
{String} the format of the labels, default = ‘dm’.
{Boolean} Should the graticule lines be labelled?.
{symbolizer} the symbolizer used to render labels
{Object} Object that store relevant information about the last mousemove or touchmove.
{OpenLayers.Pixel} The last pixel location of the drag.
{Object} Object that store informations related to pinch last touch.
{OpenLayers.Pixel} Location of the last mouse down
{OpenLayers.Feature.Vector} The last feature that was handled.
{Object} The last mousemove event that occurred.
{Integer} The ever-incrementing count variable.
{OpenLayers.Pixel} The last pixel used to know the distance between two touches (for double touch).
{Float} The y-axis coordinate in map units
{OpenLayers.Layer.Vector} The vector layer with a common renderer root for all layers this control is configured with (if an array of layers was passed to the constructor), or the vector layer the control was configured with (if a single layer was passed to the constructor).
{OpenLayers.Layer.Vector} The current editable layer.
{OpenLayers.Layer.Vector} The target layer with features to be split.
{OpenLayers.Layer.Vector} The temporary drawing layer
{OpenLayers.Layer.Vector} The temporary drawing layer
{String} The layer identifier advertised by the WMTS service.
{OpenLayers.Layer.Vector} The layer this strategy belongs to.
{OpenLayers.Layer} layer the tile is attached to
{Boolean} True if the png alpha hack needs to be applied on the layer’s div.
{Object} Cache to use for storing references to the selection layers.
{HTMLDivElement} The element that contains the layers.
{OpenLayers.LonLat} The lonlat at which the later container was re-initialized (on-zoom)
{String} All xml nodes containing this search criteria will populate an internal array of layer nodes.
{String} The identifier for the TileMap as advertised by the service.
{String} The name to be displayed in the layer switcher, default is set by {OpenLayers.Lang}.
{String} Name of data layer.
{String} name of the layer that this style belongs to, usually according to the NamedLayer attribute of an SLD document.
{String} Name of the layer that this style belongs to, usually according to the NamedLayer attribute of an SLD document.
{Object} The options to apply to the selection layer, by default the selection layer will be kept out of the layer switcher.
{Object} Default options for layers created by the parser.
{Object} Any optional properties to be set on the sketch layer.
{Object} Any optional properties to be set on the sketch layer.
{Object} Default parameters for layers created by the parser.
{String} Each character represents the state of the corresponding layer on the map.
{Array(OpenLayers.Layer)} Ordered list of layers in the overview map.
{Array(OpenLayers.Layer.Vector)} The layers this control will work on, or null if the control was configured with a single layer
{Array(OpenLayers.Layer.WMS)} The WMS layers this control will work on.
{Array(OpenLayers.Layer.WMS)} The layers to query for feature info.
{Array(OpenLayers.Layer.WMTS)} The layers to query for feature info.
{Array} An array of objects with layer properties.
Layers that are attached to this container.
{Array(OpenLayers.Layer)} Ordered list of layers in the map
List of layers to consider.
{Array(Object)} Basically a copy of the “state” of the map’s layers the last time the control was drawn.
{Array(String)} Optional list of urls for layers that should be queried.
{Number} Minimum horizontal coordinate.
{Integer} Number of features per page.
{Integer} For “pretty” printing, this is incremented/decremented during serialization.
{Integer} Optional limit on the number of history items to retain.
{symbolizer} the symbolizer used to render lines
{Object} An object containing properties corresponding to event types.
{Object} Hashtable of Array(Function): events listener functions
{Boolean} Flag for whether the GML data has been loaded yet.
{Boolean} Indicates if tiles are being loaded.
{String} store url of text file
{String} URL of text file.
{Boolean} If the renderer is currently in a state where many things are changing, the ‘locked’ property is set to true.
{Float} The x-axis coodinate in map units
{OpenLayers.LonLat} location of object
{OpenLayers.LonLat} the position of this popup on the map
{Number} or {String} lower boundary for between comparisons.
{Float} LevelZeroTileSizeDegrees