P | |
page, OpenLayers. | |
pageCount, OpenLayers. | |
pageLength, OpenLayers. | |
pageNext, OpenLayers. | |
pageNum, OpenLayers. | |
pagePosition, Util | |
pagePrevious, OpenLayers. | |
pan, OpenLayers.Map | |
panIntoView, OpenLayers. | |
panMap, OpenLayers. | |
panMapDone, OpenLayers. | |
panMapStart, OpenLayers. | |
panTo, OpenLayers.Map | |
parse, OpenLayers.Date | |
parseAttributes | |
parseData | |
parseDescribeLayer, OpenLayers. | |
parseEnvelope, OpenLayers. | |
parseExtendedData, OpenLayers. | |
parseFeature | |
parseFeatures | |
parseGeometry | |
parseKmlColor, OpenLayers. | |
parseLinks, OpenLayers. | |
parseLocations, OpenLayers. | |
parsePersonConstruct, OpenLayers. | |
parsePointGeometry, OpenLayers. | |
parseProperty, OpenLayers. | |
parseResponse | |
parseStyle, OpenLayers. | |
parseStyleMaps, OpenLayers. | |
parseStyles, OpenLayers. | |
parseXMLString, OpenLayers. | |
passesDblclickTolerance, OpenLayers. | |
passesTolerance | |
passEventToSlider, OpenLayers. | |
pinchDone, OpenLayers. | |
pinchMove, OpenLayers. | |
pinchStart, OpenLayers. | |
pixelToBounds, OpenLayers. | |
play, OpenLayers. | |
point | |
polygon | |
positionTile, OpenLayers. | |
POST, OpenLayers. | |
postDraw | |
preFeatureInsert, OpenLayers. | |
preventDefault | |
previousTrigger, OpenLayers. | |
processLayer, OpenLayers. | |
processMetadata, OpenLayers. | |
processXMLNode, OpenLayers. | |
profile, OpenLayers. | |
profileEnd, OpenLayers. | |
PUT, OpenLayers. |
Display the page starting at the given index from the cache.
page: function( start, event )
Get the total count of pages given the current cache of features.
pageCount: function()
Gets or sets page length.
pageLength: function( newLength )
Display the next page of features.
pageNext: function( event )
Get the zero based page number.
pageNum: function()
Calculates the position of an element on the page
OpenLayers.Util.pagePosition = function( forElement )
Display the previous page of features.
pagePrevious: function()
Allows user to pan by a value of screen pixels
pan: function( dx, dy, options )
Pans the map such that the popup is totaly viewable (if necessary)
panIntoView: function()
panMap: function( xy )
Finish the panning operation.
panMapDone: function( xy )
panMapStart: function()
Allows user to pan to a new lonlat If the new lonlat is in the current extent the map will slide smoothly
panTo: function( lonlat )
Generate a date object from a string.
parse: function( str )
parseAttributes: function( node, type )
parseAttributes: function( node )
parseAttributes: function( node )
parseAttributes: function( node )
parseAttributes: function( node )
Read data from a string, and return a list of features.
parseData: function( data, options )
Parse the data returned from the Events call.
parseData: function( ajaxRequest )
parseData: function( ajaxRequest )
Read HTTP response body and return records
parseData: function( request )
Parse the JSON from a request
parseData: function( str )
Parse the SLD WMS DescribeLayer response and issue the corresponding WFS DescribeFeatureType request
parseDescribeLayer: function( request )
Parse an array of coordinates into an ArcXML envelope structure.
parseEnvelope: function( env, arr )
Parse ExtendedData from KML.
parseExtendedData: function( node )
Parse feature from an Atom entry node..
parseFeature: function( node )
Convert a feature object from GeoJSON into an OpenLayers.Feature.Vector.
parseFeature: function( obj )
This function is the core of the GML parsing code in OpenLayers.
parseFeature: function( node )
This function is the core of the KML parsing code in OpenLayers.
parseFeature: function( node )
Return features from an Atom entry or feed.
parseFeatures: function( node )
Loop through all Placemark nodes and parse them.
parseFeatures: function( nodes, options )
Read HTTP response body and return features.
parseFeatures: function( request )
Read Script response body and return features.
parseFeatures: function( data )
Read HTTP response body and return features
parseFeatures: function( request )
Convert a geometry object from GeoJSON into an OpenLayers.Geometry.
parseGeometry: function( obj )
Parse the geometry and the feature bounds out of the node using Format.GML
parseGeometry: function( node )
Parses a kml color (in ‘aabbggrr’ format) and returns the corresponding color and opacity or null if the color is invalid.
parseKmlColor: function( kmlColor )
Finds URLs of linked KML documents and fetches them
parseLinks: function( nodes, options )
Parse the locations from an Atom entry or feed.
parseLocations: function( node )
Parse Atom person constructs from an Atom entry node.
parsePersonConstructs: function( node, name, data )
parsePointGeometry: function( node )
Convenience method to find a node and return its value
parseProperty: function( xmlNode, namespace, tagName )
Take an ArcXML response, and parse in into this object’s internal properties.
parseResponse: function( data )
Read HTTP response body and return features
parseResponse: function( request, options )
Parses the children of a Style node and builds the style hash accordingly
parseStyle: function( node )
Looks for Style nodes in the data and parses them Also parses StyleMap nodes, but only uses the ‘normal’ key
parseStyleMaps: function( nodes, options )
Looks for Style nodes in the data and parses them Also parses StyleMap nodes, but only uses the ‘normal’ key
parseStyles: function( nodes, options )
Parse XML into a doc structure
OpenLayers.parseXMLString = function( text )
Determine whether the event is within the optional double-cick pixel tolerance.
passesDblclickTolerance: function( evt )
Determine whether the event is within the optional pixel tolerance.
passesTolerance: function( evt )
Determine whether the mouse move is within the optional pixel tolerance.
passesTolerance: function( px )
Determine whether the event is within the optional pixel tolerance.
passesTolerance: function( pixel1, pixel2, tolerance )
This function is used to pass events that happen on the div, or the map, through to the slider, which then does its moving thing.
passEventToSlider:function( evt )
pinchDone: function( evt, start, last )
pinchMove: function( evt, pinchData )
pinchStart: function( evt, pinchData )
Takes a pixel as argument and creates bounds after adding the clickTolerance.
pixelToBounds: function( pixel )
Calls the appropriate easing method
play: function()
Using the properties currenty set on the layer, position the tile correctly.
positionTile: function()
Send a POST request.
POST: function( config )
Things that have do be done after the geometry node is appended to its parent node.
postDraw: function( node )
postDraw: function( node )
method called before a feature is inserted.
preFeatureInsert: function( feature )
Used to prevent default events (especially opening images in a new tab on ctrl-click) from being executed for externalGraphic symbols
OpenLayers.Renderer.SVG.preventDefault = function( e )
Used to prevent default events (especially opening images in a new tab on ctrl-click) from being executed for externalGraphic and graphicName symbols
OpenLayers.Renderer.SVG2.preventDefault = function( e )
Restore the previous state.
previousTrigger: function()
Recursive function to get back a flat list of layers from the hierarchic layer structure.
processLayer: function( layerArray, layer )
This function will be bound to an instance, linked to the global scope with an id, and called by the JSONP script returned by the API.
OpenLayers.Layer.Bing.processMetadata = function( metadata )
When passed an xmlNode, parses it for a GML point, and passes back an object describing that point.
processXMLNode: function( xmlNode )
Turns on the JavaScript profiler.
profile: function()
Turns off the JavaScript profiler and prints its report.
profileEnd: function()
Send an HTTP PUT request.
PUT: function( config )