Function Index
$#! · 0-9 · A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z
 baseLayerDraw, OpenLayers.Control.OverviewMap
 beforeSelectFeature, OpenLayers.Control.ModifyFeature
 boolean, OpenLayers.Format.JSON.serialize
 bounds, OpenLayers.Format.GML.buildGeometry
 buildContentNode, OpenLayers.Format.Atom
 buildEntryNode, OpenLayers.Format.Atom
 buildExtendedData, OpenLayers.Format.KML
 buildFeatureNode, OpenLayers.Format.GPX
 buildMetadataNode, OpenLayers.Format.GPX
 buildPersonConstructNode, OpenLayers.Format.Atom
 buildRequestOptions, OpenLayers.Control.WMTSGetFeatureInfo
 buildTrkPtNode, OpenLayers.Format.GPX
 buildTrkSegNode, OpenLayers.Format.GPX
 buildWMSOptions, OpenLayers.Control.WMSGetFeatureInfo
 buildWptNode, OpenLayers.Format.GPX
 buttonClick, OpenLayers.Events.buttonclick
 buttonDown, OpenLayers.Control.MouseToolbar
 buttonUp, OpenLayers.Control.MouseToolbar
baseLayerDraw: function()
beforeSelectFeature: function(feature)
Called before a feature is selected.
begin: function()
Begins the dragging.
bind: function(func,
Bind a function to an object.
bindAsEventListener: function(func,
Bind a function to an object, and configure it to receive the event object as first parameter when called.
Transform a boolean into a JSON string.
Given an OpenLayers bounds, create a GML box.
Convert a coordinate array from GeoJSON into an OpenLayers.Geometry.
Given a GML node representing a box geometry, create an OpenLayers.Bounds.
buildContentNode: function(content)
buildCoordinatesNode: function(geometry)
builds the coordinates XmlNode
buildCoordinates: function(point)
buildCoordinatesNode: function(geometry)
buildCoordinatesNode: function(geometry)
Builds and returns the KML coordinates node with the given geometry coordinates...</coordinates>
buildEntryNode: function(feature)
Build an Atom entry node from a feature object.
buildExtendedData: function(attributes)
buildFeatureNode: function(feature)
Accepts an OpenLayers.Feature.Vector, and builds a node for it.
buildGeometryNode: function(geometry)
builds a GeoRSS node with a given geometry
buildGeometryNode: function(geometry)
builds a GeoRSS node with a given geometry
buildGeometryNode: function(geometry)
buildGeometryNode: function(geometry)
Builds and returns a KML geometry node with the given geometry.
buildMetadataNode: function(metadata)
Creates a “metadata” node.
buildPersonConstructNode: function(name,
buildRequestOptions: function(layer,
Build an object with the relevant options for the GetFeatureInfo request.
buildTrkPtNode: function(point)
Builds a trkpt node given a point
buildTrkSegNode: function(geometry)
Builds trkseg node(s) given a geometry
buildWMSOptions: function(url,
Build an object with the relevant WMS options for the GetFeatureInfo request
buildWptNode: function(geometry)
Builds a wpt node given a point
buttonClick: function(evt)
Check if a button was clicked, and fire the buttonclick event
buttonDown: function(evt)
buttonUp: function(evt)