$#! · 0-9 · A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z
 i18n, OpenLayers.Lang.OpenLayers
 Icon, OpenLayers.Icon.OpenLayers
 iconOff, OpenLayers.Control.Panel
 iconOn, OpenLayers.Control.Panel
 IFrame, OpenLayers.Tile.Image
 ignoreExtraDims, OpenLayers.Format.GeoJSON
 IMAGE_EXTENSIONS, OpenLayers.Layer.KaMapCache
 imageDiv, OpenLayers.Icon
 imageFormat, OpenLayers.Control.CacheWrite
 imageReloadAttempts, OpenLayers.Tile.Image
 imageSrc, OpenLayers.Popup.Framed
 imgDiv, OpenLayers.Tile.Image
 immediate, OpenLayers.Control.Measure
 includeXY, OpenLayers.Events
 indent, OpenLayers.Format.JSON
 Indexer, OpenLayers.Renderer.Elements
 indexFromCharCode, OpenLayers.Tile.UTFGrid
 indexOf, Util
 indices, OpenLayers.ElementsIndexer
 inflate, OpenLayers.Marker
 info, OpenLayers.Console
 initGmlParser, OpenLayers.Format.Atom
 initGriddedTiles, OpenLayers.Layer.Grid
 initialize, OpenLayers.ElementsIndexer
 initializeDatabase, OpenLayers.Protocol.SQL.Gears
 initializeZoomify, OpenLayers.Layer.Zoomify
 initImage, OpenLayers.Tile.Image
 initMercatorParameters, OpenLayers.Layer.SphericalMercator
 initSingleTile, OpenLayers.Layer.Grid
 initStack, OpenLayers.Control.NavigationHistory
 inRange, OpenLayers.Layer
 interestingTagsExclude, OpenLayers.Format.OSM
 internalns, OpenLayers.Format.KML
 internalProjection, OpenLayers.Format
 intersectsBounds, OpenLayers.Bounds
 intervals, OpenLayers.Control.Graticule
 inValidRange, OpenLayers.Renderer.SVG
 inverseMercator, OpenLayers.Layer.SphericalMercator
 isArray, Util
 isComplexSymbol, OpenLayers.Renderer.Elements
 isElement, Util
 isEligible, OpenLayers.Control.Split
 isEquivalentUrl, Util
 iserror, OpenLayers.Format.ArcXML
 isLeftClick, OpenLayers.Event
 isLoading, OpenLayers.Tile
 isMultiTouch, OpenLayers.Event
 isNative, OpenLayers.Animation
 isNumeric, OpenLayers.String
 isPrototype, OpenLayers.Class
 isRightClick, OpenLayers.Event
 isSimpleContent, OpenLayers.Format.XML
 isSingleTouch, OpenLayers.Event
 issue, OpenLayers.Request
 isSuitableOverview, OpenLayers.Control.OverviewMap
 isValidLonLat, OpenLayers.Map
 isValidType, OpenLayers.Format.GeoJSON
 isValidZoomLevel, OpenLayers.Map
 isWayArea, OpenLayers.Format.OSM
Alias for OpenLayers.Lang.translate.
{OpenLayers.Icon} The icon used by this marker.
Creates an icon, which is an image tag in a div.
iconOff: function()
Internal use, for use only with “controls[i].events.on/un”.
iconOn: function()
Internal use, for use only with “controls[i].events.on/un”.
{String} A unique identifier for this geometry.
{String} Unique identifier for the map
{String} the unique identifier assigned to this popup.
{String} A unique id for this session.
{String} A unique id for this session.
{String} A unique id for this session.
{String} null
Mixin for tiles that use form-encoded POST requests to get images from remote services.
{Boolean} Ignore dimensions higher than 2 when reading geometry coordinates.
Create a new image layer
Constructor for a new OpenLayers.Tile.Image instance.
{Object} Simple hash map to convert format to extension.
{Integer} How many times should we try to reload an image before giving up? 
{String} The image format used for caching.
{Integer} Attempts to load the image.
{OpenLayers.Size} Size (measured in pixels) of the image located by the ‘imageSrc’ property.
{String} location of the image to be used as the popup frame
{HTMLImageElement} The image for this tile.
{String} Set this to the path where control images are stored, a path given here must end with a slash.
{String} Set this to the path where control images are stored, a path given here must end with a slash.
{Boolean} Activates the immediate measurement so that the “measurepartial” event is also fired once the measurement sketch is modified.
importSymbol: function (graphicName)
add a new symbol definition from the rendererer’s symbol hash
importSymbol: function (graphicName)
add a new symbol definition from the rendererer’s symbol hash
importSymbol: function (graphicName)
add a new symbol definition from the rendererer’s symbol hash
{Object} Constant inches per unit -- borrowed from MapServer mapscale.c derivation of nautical miles from Includes the full set of units supported by CS-MAP ( and PROJ.4 ( The hardcoded table is maintain in a CS-MAP source code module named CSdataU.c The hardcoded table of PROJ.4 units are in pj_units.c.
{Boolean} Should the .xy property automatically be created for browser mouse events? 
{String} For “pretty” printing, the indent string will be used once for each indentation level.
{OpenLayers.ElementIndexer} An instance of OpenLayers.ElementsIndexer created upon initialization if the zIndexing or yOrdering options passed to this renderer’s constructor are set to true.
indexFromCharCode: function(charCode)
Given a character code for one of the UTFGrid “grid” characters, resolve the integer index for the feature id in the UTFGrid “keys” array.
OpenLayers.Util.indexOf = function(array,
Seems to exist already in FF, but not in MOZ.
{Object} This is a hash that maps node ids to their z-index value stored in the indexer.
inflate: function(inflate)
Englarges the markers icon by the specified ratio.
info: function()
Writes a message to the console with the visual “info” icon and color coding and a hyperlink to the line where it was called.
{String} The mimetype to request from the server.
{String} The mimetype to request from the server
OpenLayers.inherit = function(C,
OpenLayers.Class.inherit = function (P)
initGmlParser: function()
Creates a GML parser.
initialize: function(yOrdering)
Create a new indexer with
initializeDatabase: function()
initializeZoomify: function(size)
It generates constants for all tiers of the Zoomify pyramid
initImage: function()
Creates the content for the frame on the tile.
initLayer: function(layers)
Assign the layer property.
initLayer: function()
Sets layer properties according to the metadata provided by the API
initMercatorParameters: function()
Set up the mercator parameters on the layer: resolutions, projection, units.
initResolutions: function()
This method’s responsibility is to set up the ‘resolutions’ array for the layer -- this array is what the layer will use to interface between the zoom levels of the map and the resolution display of the layer.
initResolutions: function()
Populate the resolutions array
initSingleTile: function(bounds)
initStack: function()
Called after the control is activated if the previous history stack is empty.
{Boolean} The current map resolution is within the layer’s min/max range.
insert: function(newNode)
Insert a new node into the indexer.
insert: function(feature)
Takes a feature, and generates a WFS-T Transaction “Insert”
insertDeflectionLength: function(deflection,
Insert a point in the current sketch given a deflection and a length.
insertDeflectionLength: function(deflection,
Insert a point in the current sketch given a deflection and a length.
insertDeltaXY: function(dx,
Insert a point given offsets from the previously inserted point.
insertDeltaXY: function(dx,
Insert a point given offsets from the previously inserted point.
insertDirectionLength: function(direction,
Insert a point in the current sketch given a direction and a length.
insertDirectionLength: function(direction,
Insert a point in the current sketch given a direction and a length.
insertXY: function(x,
Insert a point in the current sketch given x & y coordinates.
insertXY: function(x,
Insert a point in the current sketch given x & y coordinates.
{Array} List of tags to exclude from ‘interesting’ checks on nodes.
{String} KML Namespace to use -- defaults to the namespace of the Placemark node being parsed, but falls back to kmlns.
{OpenLayers.Projection} When passed a externalProjection and internalProjection, the format will reproject the geometries it reads or writes.
intersects: function(geometry)
Determine if the input geometry intersects this one.
intersects: function(geometry)
Determine if the input geometry intersects this one.
intersects: function(geometry)
Test for instersection between two geometries.
intersects: function(geometry)
Determine if the input geometry intersects this one.
intersects: function(geometry)
Determine if the input geometry intersects this one.
Determine whether the target bounds intersects this bounds.
{Integer} The number of milliseconds that should ellapse before panning the map again.
{Integer} In order to increase performance, an interval (in milliseconds) can be set to reduce the number of drag events called.
{Integer} In order to increase server performance, an interval (in milliseconds) can be set to reduce the number of up/down events called.
{Number} Auto-refresh.
{Array(Float)} A list of possible graticule widths in degrees.
invalidBounds: function()
Determine whether the previously generated point grid is invalid.
invalidBounds: function(mapBounds)
Determine whether the previously requested set of features is invalid.
inValidRange: function(x,
See #669 for more information
Given a x,y in Spherical Mercator, return a point in EPSG:4326.
{Boolean} Make scaling/resizing work irregularly.
{Boolean} Draw an irregular polygon instead of a regular polygon.
{Boolean} True if the userAgent reports the browser to use the Gecko engine
{Boolean} The image has some alpha and thus needs to use the alpha image hack.
{Boolean} The FramedCloud does not use an alpha image (in honor of the good ie6 folk out there)
OpenLayers.Util.isArray = function(a)
Tests that the provided object is an array.
{Boolean} Whether or not the layer is a base layer.
{Boolean} Default is true for ArcGIS93Rest layer
{Boolean} The layer is a base layer.
{Boolean} EventPaned layers are always base layers, by necessity.
{Boolean} The layer is a base layer.
{Boolean} KaMap Layer is always a base layer
{Boolean} Treat this layer as a base layer.
{Boolean} Markers layer is never a base layer.
{Boolean} Treat this layer as a base layer.
{Boolean} Make this layer a base layer.
Default is true, as this is designed to be a base tile source.
{Boolean} The layer is a base layer.
{Boolean} WFS layer is not a base layer by default.
{Boolean} Default is true for WMS layer
{Boolean} The layer will be considered a base layer.
{Boolean} WorldWind layer is a base layer by default.
Default is true, as this is designed to be a base tile source.
isComplexSymbol: function(graphicName)
Determines if a symbol cannot be rendered using drawCircle
isDrawn: function()
{Boolean} Whether or not the icon is drawn.
isDrawn: function()
{Boolean} Whether or not the marker is drawn.
OpenLayers.Util.isElement = function(o)
A cross-browser implementation of “e instanceof Element”.
isEligible: function(target)
Test if a target feature is eligible for splitting.
OpenLayers.Util.isEquivalentUrl = function(url1,
Test two URLs for equivalence.
iserror: function(data)
Check to see if the response from the server was an error.
{Boolean} EventPaned layers are fixed by default.
{Boolean} Whether the layer remains in one place while dragging the map.
isLeftClick: function(event)
Determine whether event was caused by a left click.
{Boolean} Is the tile loading?
isMultiTouch: function(event)
Determine whether event was caused by a multi touch
{Boolean} true if a native requestAnimationFrame function is available
isNumeric: function(value)
Determine whether a string contains only a numeric value.
isRightClick: function(event)
Determine whether event was caused by a right mouse click.
isSimpleContent: function(node)
Test if the given node has only simple content (i.e.
isSingleTouch: function(event)
Determine whether event was caused by a single touch
issue: function(config)
Create a new XMLHttpRequest object, open it, set any headers, bind a callback to done state, and send any data.
isSuitableOverview: function()
Determines if the overview map is suitable given the extent and resolution of the main map.
isValidLonLat: function(lonlat)
isValidType: function(obj,
Check if a GeoJSON object is a valid representative of the given type.
isValidZoomLevel: function(zoomLevel)
isWayArea: function(way)
Given a way object from getWays, check whether the tags and geometry indicate something is an area.