$#! · 0-9 · A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z
 rad, Util
 radius, OpenLayers.Handler.RegularPolygon
 radiusHandle, OpenLayers.Control.ModifyFeature
 raiseLayer, OpenLayers.Map
 Raster, OpenLayers.Symbolizer.Raster.OpenLayers.Symbolizer
 read_FeatureInfoResponse, OpenLayers.Format.WMSGetFeatureInfo
 read_msGMLOutput, OpenLayers.Format.WMSGetFeatureInfo
 read_ol_displayInLayerSwitcher, OpenLayers.Format.WMC.v1
 read_ol_isBaseLayer, OpenLayers.Format.WMC.v1
 read_ol_maxExtent, OpenLayers.Format.WMC.v1
 read_ol_numZoomLevels, OpenLayers.Format.WMC.v1
 read_ol_opacity, OpenLayers.Format.WMC.v1
 read_ol_singleTile, OpenLayers.Format.WMC.v1
 read_ol_tileSize, OpenLayers.Format.WMC.v1
 read_ol_transparent, OpenLayers.Format.WMC.v1
 read_ol_units, OpenLayers.Format.WMC.v1
 read_sld_FeatureTypeStyle, OpenLayers.Format.WMC.v1
 read_sld_MaxScaleDenominator, OpenLayers.Format.WMC.v1_1_0
 read_sld_MinScaleDenominator, OpenLayers.Format.WMC.v1_1_0
 read_sld_StyledLayerDescriptor, OpenLayers.Format.WMC.v1
 read_wmc_Abstract, OpenLayers.Format.WMC.v1
 read_wmc_Address, OpenLayers.Format.WMC.v1
 read_wmc_AddressType, OpenLayers.Format.WMC.v1
 read_wmc_BoundingBox, OpenLayers.Format.WMC.v1
 read_wmc_City, OpenLayers.Format.WMC.v1
 read_wmc_ContactAddress, OpenLayers.Format.WMC.v1
 read_wmc_ContactElectronicMailAddress, OpenLayers.Format.WMC.v1
 read_wmc_ContactFacsimileTelephone, OpenLayers.Format.WMC.v1
 read_wmc_ContactInformation, OpenLayers.Format.WMC.v1
 read_wmc_ContactOrganization, OpenLayers.Format.WMC.v1
 read_wmc_ContactPerson, OpenLayers.Format.WMC.v1
 read_wmc_ContactPersonPrimary, OpenLayers.Format.WMC.v1
 read_wmc_ContactPosition, OpenLayers.Format.WMC.v1
 read_wmc_ContactVoiceTelephone, OpenLayers.Format.WMC.v1
 read_wmc_Country, OpenLayers.Format.WMC.v1
 read_wmc_DataURL, OpenLayers.Format.WMC.v1
 read_wmc_DescriptionURL, OpenLayers.Format.WMC.v1
 read_wmc_Dimension, OpenLayers.Format.WMC.v1
 read_wmc_DimensionList, OpenLayers.Format.WMC.v1
 read_wmc_Extension, OpenLayers.Format.WMC.v1
 read_wmc_Format, OpenLayers.Format.WMC.v1
 read_wmc_FormatList, OpenLayers.Format.WMC.v1
 read_wmc_General, OpenLayers.Format.WMC.v1
 read_wmc_Keyword, OpenLayers.Format.WMC.v1
 read_wmc_KeywordList, OpenLayers.Format.WMC.v1
 read_wmc_Layer, OpenLayers.Format.WMC.v1
 read_wmc_LayerList, OpenLayers.Format.WMC.v1
 read_wmc_LegendURL, OpenLayers.Format.WMC.v1
 read_wmc_LogoURL, OpenLayers.Format.WMC.v1
 read_wmc_MetadataURL, OpenLayers.Format.WMC.v1
 read_wmc_Name, OpenLayers.Format.WMC.v1
 read_wmc_OnlineResource, OpenLayers.Format.WMC.v1
 read_wmc_PostCode, OpenLayers.Format.WMC.v1
 read_wmc_Server, OpenLayers.Format.WMC.v1
 read_wmc_SLD, OpenLayers.Format.WMC.v1
 read_wmc_StateOrProvince, OpenLayers.Format.WMC.v1
 read_wmc_Style, OpenLayers.Format.WMC.v1
 read_wmc_StyleList, OpenLayers.Format.WMC.v1
 read_wmc_Title, OpenLayers.Format.WMC.v1
 readChildNodes, OpenLayers.Format.XML
 readFormat, OpenLayers.Protocol.WFS.v1
 readOptions, OpenLayers.Protocol.WFS.v1
 readRestriction, OpenLayers.Format.WFSDescribeFeatureType
 readSpatial, OpenLayers.Format.Filter.v1
 readWithPOST, OpenLayers.Protocol.HTTP
 Rectangle, OpenLayers.Geometry.Rectangle.OpenLayers.Geometry
 rectDrag, OpenLayers.Control.OverviewMap
 redoStack, OpenLayers.Handler.Path
 redrawBackgroundNode, OpenLayers.Renderer.Elements
 redrawNode, OpenLayers.Renderer.Elements
 Refresh, OpenLayers.Strategy.Refresh.OpenLayers.Strategy
 registerEvents, OpenLayers.Popup
 registerImageListeners, OpenLayers.Popup
 registerPriority, OpenLayers.Events
 registerWheelEvents, OpenLayers.Control.MouseDefaults
 registry, OpenLayers.Control.NavigationHistory
 RegularPolygon, OpenLayers.Handler.RegularPolygon.OpenLayers.Handler
 relativePosition, OpenLayers.Popup.Anchored
 removeAllFeatures, OpenLayers.Layer.Vector
 removeBackBuffer, OpenLayers.Layer.Grid
 removeBackBufferDelay, OpenLayers.Layer.Grid
 removeBox, OpenLayers.Handler.Box
 removeButtons, OpenLayers.Control.PanZoom
 removeByGeometry, OpenLayers.Control.Split
 removeClass, OpenLayers.Element
 removeComponents, OpenLayers.Geometry.Collection
 removeControl, OpenLayers.Map
 removeDocumentEvents, OpenLayers.Handler.Drag
 removeExcessTiles, OpenLayers.Layer.Grid
 removeFeatures, OpenLayers.Layer.Vector
 removeGMapElements, OpenLayers.Layer.Google
 removeItem, Util
 removePopup, OpenLayers.Map
 removeTail, Util
 removeTarget, OpenLayers.Control.Snapping
 removeTargetLayer, OpenLayers.Control.Snapping
 removeTimeout, OpenLayers.Handler.Drag
 removeZoomBox, OpenLayers.Control.MouseDefaults
 render, OpenLayers.Map
 renderer, OpenLayers.Layer.Vector
 Renderer, OpenLayers.Renderer.OpenLayers
 rendererOptions, OpenLayers.Layer.Vector
 rendererRoot, OpenLayers.Renderer.Elements
 renderers, OpenLayers.Layer.Vector
 renderPath, OpenLayers.Renderer.Canvas
 renderTile, OpenLayers.Tile.Image
 reportError, OpenLayers.Layer.Vector
 reproject, OpenLayers.Layer.HTTPRequest
 reqFeatures, OpenLayers.Protocol.Response
 Request, OpenLayers.Ajax.Request.OpenLayers.Ajax
 requestFailure, OpenLayers.Layer.GML
 requestFrame, OpenLayers.Animation
 requestId, OpenLayers.Format.CSWGetRecords.v2_0_2
 requestType, OpenLayers.Protocol.Response
 resetHandler, OpenLayers.Control.UTFGrid
 resetLayersZIndex, OpenLayers.Map
 resetRoots, OpenLayers.Layer.Vector.RootContainer
 resetVertices, OpenLayers.Control.ModifyFeature
 resFactor, OpenLayers.Strategy.BBOX
 RESHAPE, OpenLayers.Control.ModifyFeature
 RESIZE, OpenLayers.Control.ModifyFeature
 resolutionFactor, OpenLayers.Control.OverviewMap
 resolutionsFromScales, OpenLayers.Layer
 responders, OpenLayers.Ajax.Responders
 respondToReadyState, OpenLayers.Ajax.Request
 ResponseHandler, OpenLayers.Format.CSWGetRecords.v2_0_2
 restore, OpenLayers.Control.NavigationHistory
 restoreFeature, OpenLayers.Handler.Polygon
 restoring, OpenLayers.Control.NavigationHistory
 restrictedExtent, OpenLayers.Map
 resultType, OpenLayers.Format.CSWGetRecords.v2_0_2
 reverseAxisOrder, OpenLayers.Layer.WMS
 right, OpenLayers.Bounds
 rightclick, OpenLayers.Handler.Click
 rightclickTimerId, OpenLayers.Handler.Click
 rightOfDateLine, OpenLayers.Renderer.Elements
 RootContainer, OpenLayers.Layer.Vector.RootContainer.OpenLayers.Layer.Vector
 rootPrefix, OpenLayers.Format.WMC.v1
 ROTATE, OpenLayers.Control.ModifyFeature
 rotationHandles, OpenLayers.Control.TransformFeature
 rotationHandleSymbolizer, OpenLayers.Control.TransformFeature
 rounded, OpenLayers.Popup.AnchoredBubble
 roundedCorner, OpenLayers.Control.LayerSwitcher
 roundedCornerColor, OpenLayers.Control.LayerSwitcher
 rssns, OpenLayers.Format.GeoRSS
 Rule, OpenLayers.Rule.OpenLayers
 runCallbacks, OpenLayers.Request
 runChildNodes, OpenLayers.Format.WMC.v1
OpenLayers.Util.rad = function(x)
{Float} Optional radius in map units of the regular polygon.
{OpenLayers.Feature.Vector} A handle for rotating/resizing a feature.
raiseLayer: function (layer,
Change the index of the given layer by delta.
Create a symbolizer for rendering rasters.
{Float} The ratio of the feature relative to the ratio the time the feature was set.
{Float} Used only when in single-tile mode, this specifies the ratio of the size of the single tile to the size of the map.
{Number} Ratio of the desired grid size to the map viewport size.
{Float} This specifies the ratio of the size of the visiblity of the Vector Layer features to the size of the map.
{Float} The ratio property determines the size of the serverside query relative to the map viewport size.
{Float} The ratio of the data bounds to the viewport bounds (in each dimension).
read: function(data)
Read data from a string, and return an object whose type depends on the subclass.
read: function(data)
Read data from a string, and return an response.
read: function(data)
Read data from a string of ArcXML, and return a set of OpenLayers features.
read: function(data,
Read Context data from a string, and return an object with map properties and a list of layers.
read: function(data)
Parse the response from a GetDomain request.
read: function(data)
Parse the response from a GetRecords request.
Read and Filter doc and return an object representing the Filter.
read: function(data)
read: function(json,
Deserialize a GeoJSON string.
read: function(doc)
Return a list of features from a GeoRSS doc
read: function(data)
Read data from a string, and return a list of features.
read: function(data)
read: function(doc)
Return a list of features from a GPX doc
read: function(json,
Deserialize a json string.
read: function(data)
Read data from a string, and return a list of features.
read: function(data)
Read OGC exception report data from a string, and return an object with information about the exceptions.
Read an OWSCommon document and return an object.
read: function(data,
read: function(data)
Read OWS context data from a string or DOMElement, and return a list of layers.
Read and SLD doc and return an object representing the SLD.
read: function(data,
Read capabilities data from a string, and return information about the service (offering and observedProperty mostly).
read: function(data)
Read capabilities data from a string, and return info about the SOS.
read: function(data)
Parse a GetFeatureOfInterest response and return an array of features
read: function(data)
read: function(text)
Return a list of features from a Tab Seperated Values text string.
Read capabilities data from a string, and return a list of layers.
read: function(data)
Read capabilities data from a string, and return a list of layers.
read: function(data)
read: function(data,
Parse the response from a transaction.
read: function(wkt)
Deserialize a WKT string and return a vector feature or an array of vector features.
read: function(data)
Read capabilities data from a string, and return a list of layers.
Read capabilities data from a string, and return a list of layers.
read: function(data)
Read capabilities data from a string, and return a list of layers.
Read DescribeLayer data from a string, and return the response.
read: function(data)
Read DescribeLayer data from a string, and return the response.
read: function(data)
Read WMS GetFeatureInfo data from a string, and return an array of features
Read capabilities data from a string, and return information about the service (offering and observedProperty mostly).
read: function(data)
Read capabilities data from a string, and return info about the WMTS.
Read capabilities data from a string, and return information about the service.
read: function(data)
Read capabilities data from a string, and return info about the WPS.
read: function(data)
Parse a WPS DescribeProcess and return an object with its information.
Read an XLS doc and return an object representing the result.
read: function(data,
read: function(data,
Read a doc and return an object representing the document.
read: function(options)
Construct a request for reading new features.
read: function(options)
Construct a request for reading new records from the Catalogue.
read: function(options)
Construct a request for reading new features.
read: function(options)
Construct a request for reading new features.
read: function(options)
Construct a request for reading new sensor positions.
read: function(options)
Read all features from the database and return a OpenLayers.Protocol.Response instance.
read: function(options)
Construct a request for reading new features.
read_FeatureInfoResponse: function(data)
Parse FeatureInfoResponse nodes.
read_msGMLOutput: function(data)
Parse msGMLOutput nodes.
read_ol_displayInLayerSwitcher: function(layerContext,
read_ol_isBaseLayer: function(layerContext,
read_ol_maxExtent: function(obj,
read_ol_numZoomLevels: function(layerContext,
read_ol_opacity: function(layerContext,
read_ol_singleTile: function(layerContext,
read_ol_tileSize: function(layerContext,
read_ol_transparent: function(layerContext,
read_ol_units: function(layerContext,
read_sld_FeatureTypeStyle: function(sld,
read_sld_MaxScaleDenominator: function(layerContext,
Read a sld:MaxScaleDenominator node.
read_sld_MinScaleDenominator: function(layerContext,
Read a sld:MinScaleDenominator node.
read_sld_StyledLayerDescriptor: function(sld,
read_wmc_Abstract: function(obj,
read_wmc_Address: function(contactAddress,
read_wmc_AddressType: function(contactAddress,
read_wmc_BoundingBox: function(context,
read_wmc_City: function(contactAddress,
read_wmc_ContactAddress: function(contact,
read_wmc_ContactElectronicMailAddress: function(contact,
read_wmc_ContactFacsimileTelephone: function(contact,
read_wmc_ContactInformation: function(obj,
read_wmc_ContactOrganization: function(primaryPerson,
read_wmc_ContactPerson: function(primaryPerson,
read_wmc_ContactPersonPrimary: function(contact,
read_wmc_ContactPosition: function(contact,
read_wmc_ContactVoiceTelephone: function(contact,
read_wmc_Country: function(contactAddress,
read_wmc_DataURL: function(layerContext,
read_wmc_DescriptionURL: function(context,
read_wmc_Dimension: function(dimensions,
read_wmc_DimensionList: function(layerContext,
read_wmc_Extension: function(obj,
read_wmc_Format: function(layerContext,
read_wmc_FormatList: function(layerContext,
read_wmc_General: function(context,
read_wmc_Keyword: function(keywords,
read_wmc_KeywordList: function(context,
read_wmc_Layer: function(context,
read_wmc_LayerList: function(context,
read_wmc_LegendURL: function(style,
read_wmc_LogoURL: function(context,
read_wmc_MetadataURL: function(layerContext,
read_wmc_Name: function(obj,
read_wmc_OnlineResource: function(obj,
read_wmc_PostCode: function(contactAddress,
read_wmc_Server: function(layerContext,
read_wmc_SLD: function(style,
read_wmc_SRS: function(layerContext,
read_wmc_SRS: function(layerContext,
read_wmc_StateOrProvince: function(contactAddress,
read_wmc_Style: function(layerContext,
read_wmc_StyleList: function(layerContext,
read_wmc_Title: function(obj,
readChildNodes: function(node,
Shorthand for applying the named readers to all children of a node.
Contains public functions, grouped by namespace prefix, that will be applied when a namespaced node is found matching the function name.
Contains public functions, grouped by namespace prefix, that will be applied when a namespaced node is found matching the function name.
Contains public functions, grouped by namespace prefix, that will be applied when a namespaced node is found matching the function name.
Contains public functions, grouped by namespace prefix, that will be applied when a namespaced node is found matching the function name.
Contains public functions, grouped by namespace prefix, that will be applied when a namespaced node is found matching the function name.
Contains public functions, grouped by namespace prefix, that will be applied when a namespaced node is found matching the function name.
Contains public functions, grouped by namespace prefix, that will be applied when a namespaced node is found matching the function name.
Contains public functions, grouped by namespace prefix, that will be applied when a namespaced node is found matching the function name.
Contains public functions, grouped by namespace prefix, that will be applied when a namespaced node is found matching the function name.
Contains public functions, grouped by namespace prefix, that will be applied when a namespaced node is found matching the function name.
Contains public functions, grouped by namespace prefix, that will be applied when a namespaced node is found matching the function name.
Contains public functions, grouped by namespace prefix, that will be applied when a namespaced node is found matching the function name.
Contains public functions, grouped by namespace prefix, that will be applied when a namespaced node is found matching the function name.
Contains public functions, grouped by namespace prefix, that will be applied when a namespaced node is found matching the function name.
Contains public functions, grouped by namespace prefix, that will be applied when a namespaced node is found matching the function name.
Contains public functions, grouped by namespace prefix, that will be applied when a namespaced node is found matching the function name.
Contains public functions, grouped by namespace prefix, that will be applied when a namespaced node is found matching the function name.
Contains public functions, grouped by namespace prefix, that will be applied when a namespaced node is found matching the function name.
Contains public functions, grouped by namespace prefix, that will be applied when a namespaced node is found matching the function name.
Contains public functions, grouped by namespace prefix, that will be applied when a namespaced node is found matching the function name.
Contains public functions, grouped by namespace prefix, that will be applied when a namespaced node is found matching the function name.
Contains public functions, grouped by namespace prefix, that will be applied when a namespaced node is found matching the function name.
Contains public functions, grouped by namespace prefix, that will be applied when a namespaced node is found matching the function name.
Contains public functions, grouped by namespace prefix, that will be applied when a namespaced node is found matching the function name.
Contains public functions, grouped by namespace prefix, that will be applied when a namespaced node is found matching the function name.
Contains public functions, grouped by namespace prefix, that will be applied when a namespaced node is found matching the function name.
Contains public functions, grouped by namespace prefix, that will be applied when a namespaced node is found matching the function name.
Contains public functions, grouped by namespace prefix, that will be applied when a namespaced node is found matching the function name.
Contains public functions, grouped by namespace prefix, that will be applied when a namespaced node is found matching the function name.
Contains public functions, grouped by namespace prefix, that will be applied when a namespaced node is found matching the function name.
Contains public functions, grouped by namespace prefix, that will be applied when a namespaced node is found matching the function name.
Contains public functions, grouped by namespace prefix, that will be applied when a namespaced node is found matching the function name.
Contains public functions, grouped by namespace prefix, that will be applied when a namespaced node is found matching the function name.
Contains public functions, grouped by namespace prefix, that will be applied when a namespaced node is found matching the function name.
Contains public functions, grouped by namespace prefix, that will be applied when a namespaced node is found matching the function name.
Contains public functions, grouped by namespace prefix, that will be applied when a namespaced node is found matching the function name.
Contains public functions, grouped by namespace prefix, that will be applied when a namespaced node is found matching the function name.
{OpenLayers.Format} For WFS requests it is possible to get a different output format than GML.
readNode: function(node,
Shorthand for applying one of the named readers given the node namespace and local name.
readNode: function(node,
Shorthand for applying one of the named readers given the node namespace and local name.
readNode: function(node,
Shorthand for applying one of the named readers given the node namespace and local name.
readNode: function(node,
Shorthand for applying one of the named readers given the node namespace and local name.
{Object} Optional object to pass to format’s read.
readRestriction: function(node,
Reads restriction defined in the child nodes of a restriction element
readSpatial: function(node,
Read a {OpenLayers.Filter.Spatial} filter.
{Boolean} true if read operations are done with POST requests instead of GET, defaults to false.
rectDrag: function(px)
Handle extent rectangle drag
redo: function()
Reinsert the most recently removed point resulting from an undo call.
redo: function()
Reinsert the most recently removed point resulting from an undo call.
{Array} Stack containing points removed with undo.
redraw: function()
Goes through and takes the current state of the Map and rebuilds the control to display that state.
redraw: function(evt)
redraw: function()
redraw: function()
clear the div and start over.
redraw: function()
Redraws the layer.
redraw: function(force)
Redraws the layer.
redraw: function()
The real ‘meat’ of the function: any time things have changed, redraw() can be called to loop over all the data and (you guessed it) redraw it.
redrawBackgroundNode: function(id,
Redraws the node using special ‘background’ style properties.
redrawNode: function(id,
refresh: function(obj)
Ask the layer to request features again and redraw them.
refresh: function()
Refreshes all the features of the layer
refresh: function()
Tell the strategy to refresh which will refresh the layer.
Create a new Refresh strategy.
regex2value: function()
Convert the value of this rule from a regular expression string into an ogc literal string using a wildCard of *, a singleChar of ., and an escape of !.
function regex2value(value)
Convert the value from a regular expression string to a LIKE/ILIKE string known to the web service.
Compiled regular expressions for manipulating strings.
Compiled regular expressions for manipulating strings.
Compiled regular expressions for manipulating strings.
Compiled regular expressions for manipulating strings.
Compiled regular expressions for manipulating strings.
Compiled regular expressions for manipulating strings.
Compiled regular expressions for manipulating strings.
Compiled regular expressions for manipulating strings.
Compiled regular expressions for manipulating strings.
Compiled regular expressions for manipulating strings.
Compiled regular expressions for manipulating strings.
Compiled regular expressions for manipulating strings.
Compiled regular expressions for manipulating strings.
Compiled regular expressions for manipulating strings.
Compiled regular expressions for manipulating strings.
register: function(responderToAdd)
register: function (type,
Register an event on the events object.
register: function (name,
register an event on the map
Register a callback for a newly created script.
Registers events on the popup.
registerImageListeners: function()
Called when an image contained by the popup loaded.
registerPriority: function (type,
Same as register() but adds the new listener to the front of the events queue instead of to the end.
registerWheelEvents: function()
{Object} An object with keys corresponding to event types.
Create a new regular polygon handler.
{String} Relative position of the popup (“br”, “tr”, “tl” or “bl”).
remove: function(element)
Remove the specified element from the DOM.
remove: function(node)
remove: function(type)
Remove all listeners for a given event type.
remove: function(feature)
Takes a feature, and generates a WFS-T Transaction “Delete”
removeAllFeatures: function(options)
Remove all features from the layer.
removeBackBuffer: function()
Remove back buffer from DOM.
{Number} Delay for removing the backbuffer when all tiles have finished loading.
removeBox: function()
Remove the zoombox from the screen and nullify our reference to it.
removeButtons: function()
removeByGeometry: function(features,
Remove a feature from a list based on the given geometry.
removeClass: function(element,
Remove a CSS class name from an element.
removeComponent: function(component)
Remove a component from this geometry.
removeComponent: function(point)
Removes a point from geometry components.
removeComponent: function(point)
Only allows removal of a point if there are three or more points in the linestring.
removeComponents: function(components)
Remove components from this geometry.
removeControl: function (control)
Remove a control from the map.
removeDocumentEvents: function()
Stops observing document events when documentDrag is true and the mouse cursor re-enters the map viewport while dragging.
removeExcessTiles: function(rows,
When the size of the map or the buffer changes, we may need to remove some excess rows and columns.
removeFeatures: function(features,
Remove features from the layer.
removeGMapElements: function()
Remove all elements added to the dom.
OpenLayers.Util.removeItem = function(array,
Remove an object from an array.
removeLayer: function(evt)
Removes a layer from the control.
removeLayer: function(evt)
Removes a layer from the control.
removeLayer: function(layer,
Removes a layer from the map by removing its visual element (the layer.div property), then removing it from the map’s internal list of layers, setting the layer’s map property to null.
removeMap: function(map)
Just as setMap() allows each layer the possibility to take a personalized action on being added to the map, removeMap() allows each layer to take a personalized action on being removed from it.
removeMap: function(map)
On being removed from the map, we’ll like to remove the invisible ‘pane’ div that we added to it on creation.
removeMap: function(map)
On being removed from the map, also remove termsOfUse and poweredBy divs
removeMap: function(map)
Called when the layer is removed from the map.
removeMap: function(map)
The layer has been removed from the map.
removeMap: function(map)
The layer has been removed from the map.
removeMap: function(map)
removeMarker: function(marker)
removeMarker: function(marker)
removePoint: function(point)
Wrapper for OpenLayers.Geometry.Collection.removeComponent
removePoint: function()
Destroy the temporary point.
removePopup: function(popup)
OpenLayers.Util.removeTail = function(url)
Takes a url and removes everything after the ?
removeTarget: function(target)
Remove a target.
removeTargetLayer: function(layer)
Remove a target layer.
removeText: function(featureId)
Function for removing text labels.
removeText: function(featureId)
Removes a label
removeTileMonitoringHooks: function(tile)
This function takes a tile as input and removes the tile hooks that were added in addTileMonitoringHooks()
removeTileMonitoringHooks: function(tile)
This function takes a tile as input and removes the tile hooks that were added in addTileMonitoringHooks.
removeTileMonitoringHooks: function(tile)
This function takes a tile as input and removes the tile hooks that were added in addTileMonitoringHooks()
removeTimeout: function()
removeZoomBox: function()
Remove the zoombox from the screen and nullify our reference to it.
render: function(div)
Render the map to a specified container.
{Object} Options for the renderer.
{Array(String)} List of supported Renderer classes.
{String} key used to retrieve the select style from the layer’s style map.
{String|Object} Render intent for the transformation box and handles.
{String} rendering intent currently being used
renderPath: function(context,
Render a path with stroke and optional fill.
renderTile: function()
Internal function to actually initialize the image tile, position it correctly, and set its url.
{Boolean} report friendly error message when loading of renderer fails.
repositionMapElements: function()
Waits until powered by and terms of use elements are available and then moves them so they are clickable.
{Array({OpenLayers.Feature.Vector})} or {OpenLayers.Feature.Vector} The features provided by the user and placed in the request by the protocol.
request: function(url)
request: function(bounds,
Sends a GetFeature request to the WFS
request: function(clickPosition,
Sends a GetFeatureInfo request to the WMS
request: function(xy,
Sends a GetFeatureInfo request to the WMTS
A get_image request destined for an ArcIMS server.
{String} One of “KVP” or “REST”.
{String} Request encoding.
requestFailure: function(request)
Process a failed loading of GML.
Schedule a function to be called at the next available animation frame.
{String} Value of the requestId attribute of the GetRecords element.
Process GML after it has been loaded.
Called on return from request succcess.
{String} The type of request this response corresponds to.
reset: function(evt)
reset: function(evt)
Calls the callback with null.
reset: function()
Start or cancel the refresh interval depending on the visibility of the layer.
resetHandler: function()
Deactivates the old hanlder and creates a new OpenLayers.Handler based on the mode specified in this.handlerMode
resetLayersZIndex: function()
Reset each layer’s z-index based on layer’s array index
resetRoots: function()
Resets the root nodes back into the layers they belong to.
resetVertices: function()
{Float} Optional factor used to determine when previously requested features are invalid.
{Integer} Constant used to make the control work in reshape mode
resize: function(scale,
Resize a geometry relative to some origin.
resize: function(scale,
Resize a geometry relative to some origin.
resize: function(scale,
Resize a point relative to some origin.
{Integer} Constant used to make the control work in resize mode
{Float} The map resolution for the previously considered snap.
{Float} The resolution of the map.
{Float} cache of current map resolution
{Float} The current data resolution.
{Float} The resolution (map units per pixel) of the current cluster set.
{Array} The properties that are used for calculating resolutions information.
{Array} A list of map resolutions (map units per pixel) in descending order.
{Array(Float)} A list of map resolutions (map units per pixel) in descending order.
{Array(Float)} Hardcode these resolutions so that they are more closely tied with the standard wms projection
{Array(Float)} Hardcode these resolutions so that they are more closely tied with the standard wms projection
{Array(Float)} Hardcode these resolutions so that they are more closely tied with the standard wms projection
resolutionsFromScales: function(scales)
Derive resolutions from scales.
respondToReadyState: function(readyState)
A parsed response from an ArcIMS server.
{OpenLayers.Protocol.Response} The protocol response object returned by the layer protocol.
{Array({String})} Values of the csw:ResponseHandler elements, used when writting a csw:GetRecords document.
restore: function(state)
Update the state with the given object.
restoreFeature: function(cancel)
Move the feature from the sketch layer to the target layer.
{Boolean} Currently restoring a history state.
{<OpenLayers.Bounds>|Array} If provided as an array, the array should consist of four values (left, bottom, right, top).
{String} Value of the resultType attribute of the GetRecords element, specifies the result type in the GetRecords response, “hits” is the default.
reverseAxisOrder: function()
Returns true if the axis order is reversed for the WMS version and projection of the layer.
{Number} Maximum horizontal coordinate.
rightclick: function(evt)
Handle rightclick.
{Number} The id of the right mouse timeout waiting to clear the delayedEvent.
{Boolean} Keeps track of the location of the map extent relative to the date line.
Create a new root container for multiple vector layer.
{String} Prefix on the root node that maps to the context namespace URI.
{Boolean} set to false if rotation should be disabled.
rotate: function(angle,
Rotate a geometry around some origin
rotate: function(angle,
Rotate a geometry around some origin
rotate: function(angle,
Rotate a point around another.
{Integer} Constant used to make the control work in rotate mode
{Integer} the current rotation angle of the box.
{Number} Grid rotation (in degrees clockwise from the positive x-axis).
{Number} The rotation of a graphic in the clockwise direction about its center point (or any point off center as specified by graphicXOffset and graphicYOffset).
{Array(OpenLayers.Feature.Vector)} The 4 rotation handles currently available for rotating.
{Object|String} Optional.
{Boolean} Has the popup been rounded yet?
{Boolean} If true the Rico library is used for rounding the corners of the layer switcher div, defaults to false.
{String} The color of the rounded corners, only applies if roundedCorner is true, defaults to “darkblue”.
{String} RSS namespace to use.
Creates a Rule.
{Array(OpenLayers.Rule)} Collection of rendering rules.
runCallbacks: function(options)
Calls the complete, success and failure callbacks.
runChildNodes: function(obj,